Newsletters are perfect for businesses that want to give their customers updates on business promotions or those that just want to let the world know on what new they have to offer.
Chester Jones Technology stops your entire headache of sending out emails. You just need to send the information to us and we will make sure it gets sent out to all your customers.
With technological growth, marketing your business has become easier and less expensive. In the past, you would have to pay a guy to print out letters and send them in mail in order to market your business. Amongst the cost of ink, paper, and postage one’s cost would skyrocket in a hurry. With the internet and our newsletters, all you have to do is pay a small fee, send us one copy of your information, and we will do the rest.
Newsletters are great for businesses that need to send out their latest promotions and on sale items. It is great to advertise a new product that you just got in stock or a product that you may have a limited supply of.
Newsletters are great for companies such as the press or local police departments. They can help in to alerting the community when breaking news occur.
Newsletters are great at informing a community on safety information such as a tornado warning or information on a hurricane.
Newsletters are great for anyone who loves to blog. Your fans can sign up to receive a notification when you update your blog.
Newsletters are great for schools or other educational institutions. Parents and students use them to keep in touch with school news, closings, delays, and other safety information.
Newsletters are great for funeral homes to quickly notify the community when a loved one passes on. Sometimes obituaries do not make it to the newspaper till a week later depending on how often a paper is sent out.